WEBSTER — Funeral services are under way for a 19-year-old volunteer firefighter slain during a Christmas Eve ambush in a Rochester suburb.
Hundreds of mourners, many of them uniformed firefighters, have filled St. Stanislaus Church in Rochester for the funeral of Tomasz Kaczowka. Kaczowka's flag-draped casket arrived atop a fire truck and was carried in to the church shortly before 10:30 a.m. Monday, proceeded by a procession of bagpipers and drummers.
The service comes a day after the funeral of fellow firefighter Michael Chiapperini.
Both men were shot dead by William Spengler in the pre-dawn of Christmas Eve. Spengler lured first responders into a deadly trap by setting fire to his house on the shore of Lake Ontario in Webster and lying in wait with an arsenal. Spengler committed suicide.

Funeral under way for upstate NY firefighter killed in gunman's ambush
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Funeral under way for upstate NY firefighter killed in gunman's ambush